Die heutige Geschichte ist eine reine Foto-Story. Viel Spaß beim Lesen 🙂

8 Kommentare

Marcus · 15. Februar 2017 um 15:02

Kühe am Strand … hab ich noch nicht gesehen.
schöne Bilder!

Martin Harbidge · 15. Februar 2017 um 17:38

Haha loved the photos of the „beach cows“ we stayed just up the road from you and also have photos of cows on the beach! We also had a terrible journey over the transkii – at just one junction we saw 3 dogs that had been run over that day !! I almost hit several dogs, a horse, cows, sheep and a full herd of goats, it is the craziest route I’ve ever driven! To all your followers, family and friends I’d also like to add what a great and friendly guy you are, we have loved your company. Martin and Chris.

Martin Harbidge · 15. Februar 2017 um 17:41

Not sure what happened with my post. It should have said at just one junction we saw 3 dogs that had been run over and killed. Craziest road I’ve ever driven. And to all you followers, family and friends I wanted to say what a great guy you are and loved your company! Martin

    rori · 15. Februar 2017 um 18:31

    Sorry, that’s the blogging software. I have to confirm your first post, so the software knows you don’t post any spam.

    The road really is crazy. I saw a car standing on the road, a man was laying under it. I first thought the car hit the man, but that’s been the driver who repaired the car after driving through the large water filled pothole that was now just in front of me. Unlucky him, lucky me.

    Thank you for the compliment. I can only return it.

Martin Harbidge · 15. Februar 2017 um 17:42

Think it must be the translated! I’m not looking for a man looking for a job by the way!

    rori · 15. Februar 2017 um 18:36

    Now I’m curious. What part of my blog is looking for an unemployed man? 🙂

Anri65 · 18. Februar 2017 um 20:38

Dass du ein großartiger und feiner Kerl bist wissen wir doch schon lange….
Olaf fragt ob du keine anderen Tier zu bieten hast, Kühe sieht er jeden Tag.

    rori · 19. Februar 2017 um 10:53

    Nicht so ungeduldig. Olafs Entschädigung für den ausgelassenen Krüger-Park kommt bald 🙂

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